Feb. 26, 2024



Dr Amanda Springett – Greystone House (Dr AS)

Jacquie Clayson  - Operations Manager (JC)
Rachel Lynch - Practice Manager (RL)

Dr Siddiqui – Moat House (Dr TS)   
Chairman (FC)           
Treasurer (LAR)

Health Champions – MI, CH, AG, TA

Guests - CR of Raven Housing (Warden), MS R&B Councillor, EKC (R&B Council)

Patients - SM, SR, JS, RA, LM, NQ, JS, TS, JW  





FC welcomed everybody to the meeting.


Finance Report

LAR reported on the finances noting that the current balance stands at £267.65. FC passed a cheque to LAR for £50 representing proceeds of fundraising by JS so our bank balance will shortly be £317.65

Practice News

Rachel updated the meeting on the news from the surgery as follows:-

Staff Changes:-

Dr Sherrington, an experienced GP who has acted as a locum at Greystone over the past year, is staying with the House Partnership but is now working from Moat House surgery.

There has been a changeover of trainee doctors and four newly qualified doctors (Dr Sakthibalan, Dr Gaballe, Dr Ghauri and Dr Johnson) have joined the practice to supplement their training

Health Care Assistant Andy, has joined the Practice and will also undertake Phlebotomy, wound care and ear syringing. Two Drs at Greystone House will shortly be on maternity leave for 1 year, Dr Ghafoor and Dr Chen.

JC updated the meeting on the latest news about the Moat House/Greystone merger. Although the Practices have merged as such, the full amalgamation of patient records and administration systems is yet to be finalised. This will start in early April with a target completion date of 29/4/2024. Hopefully, patients will not notice the work going on in the background. Substantial system testing is entailed but JC stressed that patients will still have the same named GP and should not be unduly impacted by the amalgamation work. The key focus will be on maintaining flexibility for patients.

JC also updated the meeting on the recent announcement of a possible merger with Caterham Valley Practice. This is still at an early feasibility stage and decisions should be made by October. Depending on the outcome of the study, a merger will be different from the Moat house merger as many patients may not choose to attend consultations at a geographically distant location. A survey will be undertaken shortly to determine patient view on a further amalgamation.

NQ asked whether a takeover by a private company for the merged Practices will be considered and JC assured patients that this is not a possibility and will remain as a local partnership.

AG enquired about the reciprocal arrangements for attendance at Moat House PPG meetings. Unfortunately, Moat House PPG’s Chairman recently passed away and this has impacted frequency of meetings. Their meetings are normally over a lunchtime period and it may be useful for FoG members to attend.

RL advised the meeting about the recent pharmacy initiative ‘Pharmacy First’ where some 95% of pharmacies nationally have signed up for. This enables pharmacies to prescribe and supply a range of medications for some ‘minor’ medical conditions including the following:

·         Sinusitis.

·         Sore throat.

·         Earache. (0-17 years old)

·         Infected insect bites.

·         Impetigo.

·         Shingles.

·         Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.

The pharmacy will not have access to the patient medical records and will make an assessment as to whether a patient will need to be seen by a GP. This is all aimed at freeing up GP time at a time of high demand.

A member from Moat House surgery complained about the lack of parking at the Watercolour pharmacy. MS (cllrmark.smith@reigate-banstead.gov.uk) advised that local parking enforcement was now the responsibility of SCC but promised to raise this at a forthcoming council meeting.